Post Pandemic Travel Guidelines

Posted on: Monday, January 20th, 2025.

Anyone travelling to the newer destination should travel with the risk of the ongoing pandemic. When any potential visitor tries visiting Nepal, there are certain travel protocols that he or she shall follow. Despite having numerous well known travel operators, and Travel operating companies so far a clear direction from the government bodies have failed to appear. So, it gets difficult for any traveler to join the bits together.

The travel industry is suffering the most all around the globe and as it is one of the main sources of income for many countries. Nepal’s focus on rebuilding the tourism industry and to encourage people to visit Nepal again remains a huge challenge. So, all travel agencies should firstly commit to organize hassle free travel for any visitors overcoming all challenges. Usual travel restrictions, and various other situations and a new strain of the COVID-19 evolving in its form has made the situation more unpredictable.

However a clear guideline and safe transport protocol can make it easier for travelers to find the do’s and don’ts while traveling in Nepal. So, here are the compiled guidelines that a traveler should follow while traveling Nepal.
Safety Precaution During Travel
Minimizing the risk of spreading of Covid virus is everybody’s responsibility. If you are travelling outside, always follow local rules and regulations that have been regulated by the local government. It is compulsory for all the travellers to follow all the safety measures.

Flowing safety measures should be followed to minimize the risk of being infected;
1. Research departure date with minimum exposure with other groups on the trail.

2. Wear a surgical mask and a face mask everywhere you travel.

3.Avoid unnecessary gathering.
4.Use sanitizers, wipes and sprays.

5. Make a habit to wash your hands with soap thoroughly and avoid touching your face.

Beside these safety protocols, be aware of the law of travelling destinations. Even if you are fully vaccinated, you need to follow every safety precautions as per as regulated by health experts.

Proper preparation of the Trip
Many countries these days have asked travelers to have a COVID- 19 test result with them during the flight. Also, the report is valid for only 72 hours. So you must have a COVID – 19 negative report while traveling to different nations or cities. You should do some research on health related rules and regulation of the destination you are going to.

Do not forget to include sanitizers , medicines, first aid kids, extra masks in your travel checklist. To be safe, you should get COVID – 19 vaccination before you travel to new places.

Smart Travel

‘Who doesn’t want to travel smart, Right?’ Being a smart traveler, you must book your stays before you travel to your destination. Also follow all the COVID – 19 related safety protocols to be safe being infected. To make your travel hassle free, you can always opt for well known travel agencies

Booking Flexibilit
Always look for the deals which can be canceled with a full refund or partial. Most of the travel packages, hotel rooms, flight tickets and more have no cancelation so you must read the cancelation policy before you book any services. It will help you not to be in loss in case you have to cancel the travel plan.
Travel Insurance
Being human, we may get hurt during the trip. Hope you will be fit and fine but no one can predict the future. So to be on the safe side, you should purchase travel insurance which covers all of your medical expenses. Here too don’t forget to read the policy of the insurance providers.

You should choose private transportation rather than public transportation in this pandemic. Or use the vehicle provided by your travel operator. Before you go on a ride, ask the vehicle operator to sanitize the vehicle. Also follow all the safety protocols being in a private transportation.
Safety During the Flight
1. Sincerely follow the instruction that is provided by airlines and other local governments regarding safety protocol.

2.During flight always wear a face mask, wash your hands with soap after using the washroom and after receiving the food and drinks. Use spray before touching unknown objects.

3.Be extra careful while flying to another country because many studies have proven that there is always a higher chance of spreading virus on aircraft because of air filtration.

Safety Measures on Accommodations
1. Choose Travel accommodation that adjust to be as physically distanced as including below rules:

2. Lodging must be verified to meet local safety standard

3. Frequently cleaning and confirming the cleaning protocol.

Frequently Ask Questions
What should I carry while I travel in this pandemic?
While travelling, remind yourself to carry masks, pens, sanitizers, water bottle, pillow cover, quick dry towel). More importantly focus on personal hygiene, strictly maintaining physical distance, regularly sanitizing your hand and following the respiratory etiquettes.

How do I know if I am infected from COVID – 19 while trekking?
Most common symptoms of coronavirus are fever, dry cough and tiredness and loss of taste and smell. There are the more likely common symptoms with others illness like common cold flu or seasonal allergies.If there are emergency warning signs of Covid-19 can always be dress immediately regardless of other symptoms including trouble of breathing, loss of taste, smell,aches, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, diarrhoea, skin rashes, present pain, pressure in the chest, inability and bluish with 100.4f above the time with 24 hours taken off the trail to access medical care.

If you feel unwell with these symptoms do not panic but never ignore immediately communicate with your Guide or with troop leader and follow necessary precaution to follow the procedure established by local health authorities until approved to return home safely.

If you are travelling solo immediately seek help at the nearest medical station and contact your Embassy.

Is Corona Virus vaccination mandatory before traveling in Nepal?
Government of Nepal allow international travellers to visit in Nepal after submitting Coronavirus negative reports that must be taken 72 hours before uon arrivals. However it is always great to travel after being vaccinated for reducing the risk and hassle free travel. But always follow the health protocol of a particular country about all the health regulations.

Is quarantine mandatory even for vaccinated travelers ?
After the coronavirus vaccine most countries in the world cancel the quarantine requirement. In Nepal weather Vaccinated or not covid taste is compulsory after arrival and obligated to quarantine until tested for coronavirus negative.


Along with the second variant of COVID – 19 bring the new challenges for all the travel and hospitality industries. From the last many weeks many people around the world again chose to stay home instead of going out for the vacation to protect themself. However hope is rising for the future with new vaccination approved and providing strategies for many countries by health agencies around the world.

With new hope people are planning for upcoming years and questions about what 2022 looks like? Everyone is hoping that next year travel will become normal. This can be minimized if all the people follow the safety measures strictly.

If you become suffocated by long time isolating at the new places ready to get out because many countries including Nepal offer some unique experiences to make your vacation more safe, comfortable and joyful.

Click this link for more information saftey Guidelines: Adventure Travel and Trade Associations which created the safety measures in collaboration with Health centre and expert travel industry leaders from all around the globe.

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